Infant Arcade: Pico-8 Games Made For a Child
My nephew is big into retro video games, and Pico-8 is great for making a tiny retro-style videogames, so here are some that I made for him. You can play them in the browser, or download them if you have Pico-8. If you want any exported as builds for anything Pico-8 exports to then let me know (or get a copy of Pico-8 and do it yourself).
Advanced Binman Simulator
A difficult game about being a binman
The Mole Game
A small game based on something we played in real life
It was around this point that he got curious about how the games were made, so here are a few we made together. He tended to design the games and pitch in with the graphics; I wrote the code, did other graphics, and tried to steer him towards his more realistic suggestions. (Luckily, while he often threw out some pretty difficult to realise ideas, he would usually also come up with something easy, so I’d suggest we start on that. By the time we finished that bit, with a couple of entertaining bugs along the way, he’d usually forgotten the other idea. This may or may not work on corporate project owners.)
Treasure Hunt
A quest for not-all-that hidden treasure
The Bee Game
A game about being a bee
The Kirby Game
A game which is going to get me sued
The Butcher Game
Play as me and the kid and use your powers to defeat an evil butcher