Fridge Or The News Reporter
After news emerged that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had chosen to hide in a fridge rather than be interviewed, I built Fridge Or The News Reporter, a 1D reporter-avoiding game in the mould of the old classic handheld LCD games.

Tory Leadership Racer
I felt it was important to treat the 2019 Tory leadership race, set to decide our next Prime Minister, the course of Brexit and the entire future of our nation, with the gravitas it deserved, which is to say literally none, and so I built Tory Leadership Racer, a chaotic kart-racing game where you can steer your least-hated candidate into a doomed presidency.

Advanced Brexit Simulator
It's not much of a game, but the Advanced Brexit Simulator allows you to use your mouse to drag Britain out of the EU — but be careful not to damage it.

Grab the Mace
In the hours after Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP grabbed the ceremonial parliamentary mace in protest of Theresa May delaying her doomed Brexit vote, I built Grab the Mace, a game about bettering the level of political discourse in the UK by smacking Conservative politicians round the head with what the Guardian called "the five-foot silver gilt object".

Milkshake! Duck!
The evening after Nigel Farage became the latest victim of the "splash the fash" milkshake-throwing trend, I built Milkshake! Duck!, a game about making far-right politics more palatable by adding strawberry flavour and artificial sweeteners.

The Thingometer 2017
I made the original Thingometer during a leaders’ debate in the run up to the 2015 UK election, to allow people to create a hybrid party leader who could truly represent their views, or to visualise polling data in the worst imaginable way.
Obviously nearly all of them have resigned at least once since then, so for the 2017 election I made a whole new version, with my own morphing engine based on Three.js.

Doctor Who Technobabble or UK Government Term
Much like Doctor Who, the UK's system of government is essentially a modern façade grafted onto a lot of olden-days nonsense that we studiously avoid talking about. And both of them contain a lot of grandiose jargon that doesn't entirely make sense. Doctor Who Technobabble or UK Government Term is a rather silly game to test your knowledge of both. Probably fairly easy for Brits and pretty hard for Americans.